Take a little trip with me into the future, 3 months from now. You have just been asked to lead and organize an event to help people in need in your community. Thoughts of nervousness and uncertainty immediately creep in as you think “There is no way I can do this” but immediately you fall to your knees and seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom. You begin doing research on those you are going to serve and what their specific needs are. Ideas and plans rush through your mind as names of people are revealed to help with this event. Excitement fills your heart as you see the Lord putting all the pieces together required to pull this event off.     

Fast-forward as the event is now just days away. The hours of preparations and sleepless nights are now behind you and you’re filled with anticipation for this event. You can see and feel the joy it will bring to those not only receiving the help, but for those helping. As you are reviewing the plans and making some last-minute public communication posts, you see comments in the events Facebook page questioning different aspects of the event, (“Why would anyone plan this during this weekend?”, “Why didn’t they reach out to this family?”, “Who decided to have these people help?”). Your heart breaks and thoughts of doubt creep back in because you knew from the beginning that God has called you to lead, so why don’t others see this? It is only after the event has come and gone that a few people reach out to personally thank you for your leadership and let you know that those who were served couldn’t have gotten through this time in their lives without the support of this event. It is then that peace and confidence fills your soul knowing that your obedience to God’s calling was worth it. 

The Holy Spirit gave me this little scenario to share, as many of us have either been in the role of leading or have been associated with a close friend going through a similar event. We believe in the calling of the Father and yet have received the same negative feedback from family, friends, and neighbors. This parallels so much with our Church Pastors and leaders. God has given them a special gift of discernment and called them to lead His church. We can’t always see or know God’s vision, but we know His word is true and that He is faithful to those He calls. Our Pastors put themselves out there because of their desire to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. They take on our hurt, worries, and fears and yet they love us because they know and see the finish line that God has for us. We are lost, forgotten, and feel abandoned, yet our Pastors don’t give up. They pour their time into prayer, discerning, and trusting that we will eventually see the same vision the Lord has given them of eternity.   

If we have these feelings during times in our lives, our pastors and leaders are no different. They don’t expect it, but I know they do appreciate words of encouragement and support. I can see that Satan would love more than anything to weaken and destroy our leaders. So why wouldn’t we want to step up and support our Pastors? If I know this is God’s plan, why wouldn’t we worship our Creator by giving words of encouragement to our Pastors? Why wouldn’t we show appreciation with a prayer text, a handshake or hug after church, or a simple thank you to affirm them in their ministry? Why wouldn’t I….because Jesus Christ sacrificially gave up his perfect life for me to live with Him for eternity! Thank you Pastoral Team for your Leadership! 

Written by Darren Schmidt, Deacon of Pastor Care at CrossPoint Hutchinson

Thank you for your willingness to write this article. Your love for our Church and Leadership is greatly valued!

Darren Schmidt